
Rethinking Product Strategy with AI

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June 20th 8:00AM PDT; 11:00AM EDT; 4:00PM GMT; 5:00PM CET

30 minutes

Rethinking Product Strategy with AI

With the advent of AI, product strategy requires a significant rethink. ‘Bolting on’ AI as a feature is the wrong approach. Instead, the challenge is how to approach a task-supported AI experience. What’s more, how you approach product design ought to follow the newly patterned user expectations generative AI is shaping. Instead of making users do the heavy lifting, how can you support users to ‘fetch, synthesize, and create’ more rapidly?

Why this matters: The rush to integrate AI integration in product development has often been superficial, adding smart features rather than driving core strategies. Too many product teams are currently treating AI as a value-added component—an enhancement rather than a foundation. This mindset limits AI’s potential, keeping products reactive and feature-focused.

In this Miniclass webinar, Frank Spillers will explore several case studies you can apply to approach AI product strategy from a UX perspective. We will cover the underlying task-oriented approach of UX blended with future action-oriented AI models and how to merge and lead with this thinking.

Topics we will cover in this Rethinking Product Strategy with AI Miniclass:

  1. How can we redefine AI product strategy and UX?
  2. Designing AI to support users: Proactive vs. reactive approaches
  3. Preparing UX Design and product design for Large Action Models (LAMs) and agent-driven UX
  4. Q&A

About Miniclasses:

A brief but deep-dive into a topic, led by Frank Spillers. The sessions provide an orientation to key points on a topic. The sessions are FREE to members of the UX Inner Circle. Apply to join…

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Date: 20 Jun 2024

08:00 am PDT

11:00 am EDT

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05:00 pm CEST

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